Roadmap for 0.2

As Version 0.1 was introduced a few days ago, in this release, I will focus on developing the key systems to add more depth and make a balance between what we want to achieve and the costs involved much more engaging. I'll also address the issue of better spending the earned cash, which currently doesn’t have much use. Additionally, I'll bring some life and dynamism to the game through events and start working on the modding system, hardcoding only the crucial elements of the game while making it easier to introduce custom modifications and experiment with settings.

V 0.2

In this version, I will focus on adding more important systems and introducing mod support. This version is intended to bring the game into its Alpha stage.

  • Office Animation System: Including characters and possibly a few other elements.
  • Employee System: You will be able to search for, hire, and fire employees.
  • Office System: You will be able to upgrade to better offices.
  • Event System: You will receive events or notifications, such as the release of a new processor by competitors or decision-making prompts.
  • Modding System: You will be able to add custom scripts in TS/JS or MS (MiniScript).
  • Product Release as a Separate Event: Refining products, bug hunting.
  • CPU Architecture: This will impact performance, stability, support, documentation, and other scores.


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When? 🗿

Version V 0.1.1 will be released in two days(22 August), and will reskin the app for mobile support and "final" layout design, handle some edge cases in logic and add animation system. As for next systems there will be out somewhat week after week with two systems at the same time, maybe sooner if progress will be go smoothly :)